Thursday, February 16, 2012

Well today the canvas came in the mail, so I have no excuse but to start painting.   I am pretty nervous because I have not done anything with oil for quite sometime and not that much to begin with.  Also I ran a mile today.  I know that seems like no big deal with so many people out there running marathons, but hey I was proud that I did anything.

My exercise motivation has been lacking so I am trying to get it going again.  One thing I have been doing is youtube yoga videos.  So nice, in my house, anytime I want, and I can stop whenever I want. This guy is my favorite one so far, not too intense, not too easy.


So I used to do some calligraphy, but I have not for a few years and as a result don't have the proper materials anymore, but I did a little last night, with the marker I happen to buy on my mission. I thought the results were good, but stay tuned for improvement.

One thing about me is that I never do anything perfect, there are calligraphy people out there that do perfect work.  I sort of do convenient work, and I pretty much only do it for addressing envelopes.  It makes it so that I sort of plateau, but it also allows me to dip my feet in all sorts of other fun stuff and send out awesome envelopes....maybe I am going to go make a few more envelopes right now.

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