In my clinical group there is a special person that is always late, always texting and all around not easy to like (although they have many friends outside of the clinical group). So this semester it has been a challenge not to participate in the gossip that I absolutely agree with.
Ironically, I am also a young women's leader right now, and there have been several lessons in young women's about not judging and not gossiping and I am not above needing to hear it. I just need to remind myself everyday that I am a representative of what I believe...sometimes I am pretty good about it, and others I totally fail.
Overall nursing school has lead me to hang out with (class/clinical all day) girls I would otherwise never have crossed paths with, I have learned a lot about sororities, and expanded my knowledge of floridian/southern culture. Some of my fellow students have been wonderful examples to me and I enjoy their company everyday, others have made me glad I did not participate in a regular undergrad experience (did you know UF if one of the nations top party schools?)
Either way, I need to get back to my module about classification of pressure ulcers's one for you pressure ulcers for more of where that came from...

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