Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Is it seriously only Tuesday!

I had the most grueling Monday and Tuesday!  We had a test on Monday and then a test today, and seriously these are hard tests, and a 74 is failing so you can't miss very many before you are in hot water.  Anyway, despite studying for 4 days straight, sleeping for 4 hours two days in a row, developing lymphadenopathy in my tonsillar lymph nodes, having an adrenergic reaction pretty much every five minutes, feeling like my tympanic membrane is going to burst, bruising (is this purpura?) the palm of my hand and projecting all sorts of weird symptoms onto myself I am still alive and feeling pretty good, although after this I am going to take a nap and feel even better.  I do however feel like I need to relax because I think my body has been producing a lot of cortisol...or is it my imagination?

Not only am I breathing a sigh of relief, but we are starting our next unit on cancer, not a pretty subject but so interesting. I am not exactly sure what kind of nurse I want to be and it would probably be beneficial to start out med-surg, but I think that oncology could also be really interesting.  Especially because so much new research is constantly changing that field.  So who knows maybe I have found something I like, this is also timely because when clinicals start (like next week) we are on an oncology floor, so I will get a chance to see if I do really like it.  Like, I said (or maybe not) I feel like I have learned so much, and not just theoretical knowledge but learning that I will be applying very soon.

On another note, Paul found out his rank in law school, he is in the top 12% and I believe ranked number 36, so that is pretty good and we are both quite happy that all his hard work and studying lead to such positive results.

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