Friday, February 15, 2013

more about nursing...what do you expect

Not much is going on here today, I had a seminar, we talked about Diabetes.
Diabetes is seriously scary, so scary that I am taking a serious look at my sugar intake.
I feel like if people knew how CRAZY bad diabetes is they would probably do the same.
cake =sugar=diabetes=death

I cannot think of anything worth the side effects diabetes causes...every organ system in your body, every single one is

Then clinical orientation...not much to say about that
Then career fair(more below)...
Then HIV counselor/tester training....ok not boring, but waaay too long, but now I can test you for HIV
Then home to Paul (yay!) best part of day!

Another big reason why nursing is a good choice is that nurses.........get jobs!
Today we had a career fair and you know what there were lots of hospitals/employers interested in hiring us.

It seems to from a lot of the blogs I read that people aren't really worried about getting jobs etc... but this is something I worry about, this was a huge part of picking nursing.

 I really like to know that is something serious happened to Paul and it was put on my shoulders to earn a living for our family that I could do it...of course there are plenty of potential disasters were that would not be helpful, but you get the point.

And with a big chunk of nurses on the verge of retirement and baby boomers aging, nursing has a positive job outlook.  read more

Well,  you don't love nursing? you can't stand bodily fluids? you hate hospitals?
In the future I will address why those are not absolutes if your working as a nurse...coming from a not very neat, non-perfectionist, considers-herself-to-be-somewhat-artistic-person

and that is it for today except I am wasting way to much time of the internet and should be doing hw.

                                                                                          image from here


  1. I'm happy nursing is such a good fit for you.

  2. Thanks Chris, its a good fit and also nursing school has consumed me so not much else to write about :)
