Saturday, September 15, 2012

Tallahassee Florida

Yesterday we went to the state's capital because Paul had a call back interview with a law firm there.  We rarely leave Gainesville so it was a pretty special treat to get to go somewhere. We were ready on time and got there early thinking that the interview was at 2 pm, I even postponed my checkoff until Monday so that I could go with on time.  Well it turns out that his interview was supposed to be at 1pm instead of 2 pm :(
Its sad but what can you really do...we all make mistakes right?  He did the best he could and interviewed during the time he had left, but we are guessing that it was not meant to be because that is a pretty big mistake to make.

While Paul was interview, I got to see my DAD!  It just so happened that he was in Alabama this week and drove down to Tallahassee to see us for the few hours we were there.  I have not seen anyone in my family since my wedding last year so it was quite nice to see my dad and have some time to spend with him.  So gracious and generous to me are my family.  My dad is in particular extremely optimistic, it shows in his business and the way he lives his life and well its nice to have someone believe in us and remind us that they are confident in the path we are taking, we are of course confident as well, and confident that Heavenly Father is too, but it was nice to be around my dad's unfailing optimism for a few hours.

I brought my camera so we could take some pictures of the capitals (it is very nice there) but I just forgot...I am not a big picture person so I will take a few from the internet :)...ok I just looked and couldn't find any but, if you can imagine all the beauty of spanish moss and greenery that is Gainesville with some extra fancy buildings of being the elegantly southern was Tallahassee, even though it doesn't seen like we will be moving there any time soon, I would be happy to.

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